
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

Blog posts : "as-i-learn"

Praying with Heart versus Praying with Mind

One day last week, I was walking down my driveway in an emotional state of being. I was contemplating and chewing on something meaningful which I was perplexed about. What did I do? I decided to pray.

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First Ten Things To Do When Life Throws A Curveball

I’m sure you’ve noticed: life has thrown a few curve balls lately. Among daily and weekly tasks, some may find that the regular routine has been shaken. Truly, we must adapt. But how? 

In ligh…

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Epigenetics, Elements and Miasms: Factors Influencing Your Becoming

What makes up the person, the very being, of who you are? Have you ever thought about all the dynamics at play that make your body, your heart, your mind, and your soul? And also, what about those cru…

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The Etheric Birthday

A person is a complex union of multi-dimensional fields. One person is multiple levels of energy which exist simultaneously. Of these multi-dimensional layers, we are most conscious of the physic…

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Mindfully Fasting in the Now

Recently, my partner and I have started fasting weekly. We started at fasting for just one day. This week we are fasting almost three days. 

Fasting has been a significant spiritual practice for…

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Sustaining Faith In the Authority of Prayer

For a lifetime, I have struggled with prayer. I have questioned its validity and purpose. My lifelong lessons with prayer range quite a bit, from forgiveness to cancer. In fact, cancer is my nemesis, …

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Dying: The Transformational Transition

I have been learning about the prefix/word "trans." Though it is commonly used by itself to determine people, of the LGBTQ+ family, who are in the process of changing their sex, trans is more commonly…

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The Art of Listening in Silence

When I was younger, my mother practiced what we called "quiet time." This was a time for the noise of electronics to dissipate, for us to stay quietly in our rooms, to find our own quiet space inside.…

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The Inner Empath Healer Child

I'm not sure when or how I signed up to be a healer, but it was headed my way the whole time. People used to say things that verified that they saw a healer in me, but I denied it. However, something …

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New Beginnings

This new blog is dedicated to learning something new, something so phenomenal, that I just have to share it! 

Like everyone else, I too am on a journey. A journey of learning, a journey of realizi…

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