Oxytocin is a neurochemical hormone that is released for purposes for bonding. Examples include pair/couple bonding, giving birth, touch (in some cases), and other opportunities associated with care and bonding connections. The release of oxytocin into the bloodstream is completely natural, usually heeding the powerful feeling(s) associated with love. This essay examines the potential theory of how oxytocin is utilized in both emotional and spiritual processes. This theory is not to justify or prove the existence or non-existence of God, as in accordance to Nietzsche’s philosophy of God’s existence. Nevertheless, this analyzes and relates one aspect of human-to-human relationships and human-to-God relationships, as they are interconnected by the experience of oxytocin.
Oxytocin can inhibit various different responses in terms of interaction and emotional life between two individuals. The most commonly known appearance of oxytocin’s effects is those emotions associated with bonding. Oxytocin supports an individual’s survival skill of bonding and connection with those nearby. Emotional bonding gives purpose for survival by supporting the will to live, the strength to support others to survive or live, and acts as a stimulant for growth.
In some religious practices, spiritual stewards often practice vulnerability in their connection with God and/or small social groups whose main goal is spiritual growth. When leaving oneself vulnerable to the Spirit of the Universe, a bond may form which promotes universal connection and love with/for everyone. Many can associate the feeling as peace, love, or a “cup running over” (Psalm 23:5). A spiritual drive influenced by oxytocin can be gestured and practiced in many ways. Some speak of a heart-felt bond with the God of the Universe; others may describe the feeling for a compelling love for all mankind; and others may develop this bond with Mother Nature.
Religious connection with God may be experienced differently than romantic love/connections. However, there are some common denominator factors. Many individual experiences of both phenomena include a union which expresses each individual and, in addition, the togetherness of that bond. Trust grows as a special understanding of security and closeness is practiced. Nurturing is a common quality of a special bond and helps grow the connection with quality. All these factors of both romantic bonding and relationship with Creator are associated results from oxytocin’s presence in the human brain/bloodstream.
Humans, as made in the image of God, experience the spiritual and emotional natures of God, not limited to neurochemical phenomena, but rather that the neurochemical processes give pattern, physical dimension, and reason (as we are able to comprehend) for our spiritual experiences such as sharing bonds and love for/with those in proximity who are in our conscious field. Perhaps oxytocin can explain and shed light on authentic relationships, coming from either the God-experience or romantic relationships, hopefully enlightening one about the reciprocal experience.